Fascinated in a sentence as an adjective

The trips to the tech museum see lots of the little boys running around, fascinated by the science. Most of her female peers...

As someone who once was fascinated by the topic, I found that bit frustrating. In 400 AD, germanic people were known by names like "Goths".

As a scientist, I'm fascinated by the research. As a human being, I'm horrified it was ever done.

I'm sure they'd be fascinated to hear it. Seriously?

I continue to watch this unfold, fascinated, popcorn at the ready.

Guys are fascinated and scared by girls who roll up their sleeves and take on a job that society labels as mens work. If youve ever drilled a hole, skinned a rabbit, or changed a tyre you know what I mean.

I'm so happy to see this featured on HN. You'll be fascinated by the topics presented in xv6. Have you ever: - ...

If youre not fascinated by the inner workings of complex systems, go do something more important. If you are, grab some popcorn, because this is the best bug Ive seen in years.

I feel like HN is fascinated by but has relatively little understanding of how deals work. companies don't just show up on your doorstep with an acquisition offer and a giant check.

Personally, as much as I'm fascinated by the tools, I'm much more curious about what you do with them. So I'm always glad when I see someone succeed and create something useful with an odd stack of technologies.

I'm always fascinated as to why people on this board fervently defend scammy self-help books. Tim Ferris' completely phony 4-hour series provoked a similar reaction.

I used to read through it, fascinated with its ideology, and sometimes building various explosives and weapons. In high school I experimented with ***** and got very close to flunking out.

This is a bit off-topic but I am fascinated about the exact reasons why some people react to conversations as if they have been accused of something. I think you might want to consider that nothing is useful is gained if you introduce the concept of "guilt" into a conversation where it is not needed.

I am continually fascinated by the idea, often proposed in other contexts than this one, that we must spend money as an axiom and then figure out how to fund it as a corollary. I don't really disagree with your dichotomy: we can either have expensive events or sane intellectual property law, but not both.

I was ideologically aligned and mixed in such circles, nerds were still outcasts so not really too big a world, but my life was busy with other things - but I watched from a distance, fascinated with all the ideas and things to come. I'm not sure I've every really been more sure something was going to happen, at least to a very significant degree.

The religion is notably fascinated with martyrdom, asceticism and persecution complexes. But that suffering has no purpose in overcoming tribulation when you're a near-lifeless bag of meat.

I'm always fascinated when companies make that one decision which seems to lead to their downfall -- and everyone seems to be able to see it, except the company itself. I think this is a great thing -- if Craigslist can get enough bad press from this, then maybe a movement for "free and copyable" classifieds listings can take place, and there can be competition in the space again.

Their cognitive nature is considered rigid and prone to social intolerance, and they are fascinated by weapons, war, and infamous crimes or perpetrators of atrocities." In a civil, decent society, most of these behaviors are driven underground, and treated as criminal.

For a couple of years I've been fascinated with the idea that as intelligent people many of us are drawn to activities and consumption that makes us look more intelligent, whether or not we actually learn anything of value from them or not. So we listen to the right music, have the right opinions, and banter on about the right topics in the right way, all the while doing more than just a little social posturing and signalling.

Fascinated definitions


having your attention fixated as though by a spell

See also: hypnotized hypnotised mesmerized mesmerised spellbound spell-bound transfixed