Mesmerised in a sentence as an adjective

I played it a few times at a friend's house as a child and was mesmerised.

I end up watching mesmerised for 50 movements or more.

As a young kid, I was mesmerised by it. Matthew Brodrick saved the world, got the girl and got to play with the coolest tech at the time.

Poor dumb things sit on the road to warm up, get mesmerised by headlights, and get hit. To date I probably see 50 dead roos on the side of the road for every live one.

Yeah, I must admit I had forgotten about the game - but I do recall how it had me mesmerised back in the days. I must have been about 12 when it came out.

Kids in their twenties may be mesmerised by the power of known logos, then they learn that it's more about the figures.

At the time I was completely mesmerised by the experience, it was immersive, it almost felt real. And it sated by desire to live in a fantasy world.

It's what happens when all involved are blinded and mesmerised by technology's new and pretty baubles bangles and beads. With SMS, it is as if the Pied Piper had really come this time.

> At one point the dolphins are seen floating just underneath the water's surface, apparently mesmerised by their own reflections. Apparently dolphins know how to have a good time and know more than we think.

I was mesmerised by the incredible storyline and the shocking twist at the end. It introduced me to western classic literature for the first time and I was really impressed.

I was mesmerised by this book as an undergrad and spent night after night devouring every page. It is a true eye-opener, explaining why computers are the way they are from the compiler down to the CPU design.

This page was so clearly written, and its content so compelling, I was actually left wondering whether it was the same bafflingly pretentious Urbit that I'd stared at in mesmerised bewilderment in years past. This makes sense, looks great, and I might well give it a try!

Stopping for a rest in a deserted valley, it was so beautiful and the silence was so peaceful, I was mesmerised until the silence was broken by a bird singing a few miles away. An incredible experience I'll never forget.

I saw the Aurora Borealis once whilst flying from the US to the UK - I happened to wake up and look out the window at just the right time and was absolutely mesmerised, just stared and stared until our heading changed and it was no longer in sight. I thought it was absolutely beautiful.

I too have many fond memories of Knoppix I discovered it in the 11th grade; I remember being mesmerised by the rows of multi-coloured console text at boot up with that cool rotating carat and all the badass software it came default with- like ettercap and Wireshark. .

They anticipate the rule of soulless machines over people described in many dystopias and that can very realistically come true if we as a society keep being as excited and mesmerised by the developments such as cryptocurrencies. 100%.

> At one point the dolphins are seen floating just underneath the water's surface, apparently mesmerised by their own reflections. An animal that seeks intentionally a consciousness-expanding experience must be conscious on a higher level.

This sort of "chaotic-order" does indeed look impressive, and I've personally been mesmerised, just watching busy intersections in India or the Philippines. But it's important to remember that despite all the skills these drivers exhibit every day, the number of traffic deaths under such circumstances is off the charts.

Using revolutionary camera and lighting techniques, she produced a documentary form that mesmerised Germans; it was her 'Triumph of the Will' that reputedly cast Hitler's spell. I asked her about propaganda in societies that imagined themselves superior.

Some people say they are emotionally moved or mesmerised by the beauty etc. Sure I can appreciate it is a skill etc etc, but I don't understand the emotional reaction people say they have - I just see a "thing" like I see advertising boards on the street as a "thing".

Mesmerised definitions


having your attention fixated as though by a spell

See also: fascinated hypnotized hypnotised mesmerized spellbound spell-bound transfixed