Self-centred in a sentence as an adjective

More likely his mother got tired of his self-centred freeloading.

Maybe that seems a self-centred way of thinking to you. Most people seem to want to believe that their actions are motivated by compassion.

It's hard not to succumb to the stereotype that Ys are self-centred when you never hear one giving boomers props for the good things they did.

Saying "I'm offended" or "this offends me" while expecting people to stop what they're doing is self-centred and immature. - Nobody should have gotten fired.

The article is extremely self-centred, and doesn't deconstruct why this is bad for their business. The programmer's job is to help the business achieve its ends.

Not learning crucial skills is just lazy and self-centred. I've met amazing devs with no social skills because they didn't want to put effort into learning anything except what they enjoyed.

Kimble has always been a self-centred scumbag. I really don't understand why anybody ever trust him again with anything.

You're also a bit self-centred so you never appreciate the things others or your parents really do for you. I actually think its relatively common for people around this age to do really scary things such as this.

, which, of course, is monumentally self-centred and irritating.

A lot of your rants might be non-sensical, might be hypocritical, and even a tad self-centred. The last thing you need is another opinion in that situation, especially one telling you you're wrong for feeling the way you do.

Usually about how self-centred or lazy or entitled they are but sometimes as lazy as "they use the internet more" and "they take a lot of selfies and make so many twitters". Does every generation do this about its youngers?

To me the author comes about as extremely self-centred and self-importante since he hasn't even bothered to look at the field of his topic. He totally forgets to take account of feelers, people who make decisions based on how they will feel or how other people will feel after a decision.

With the pervasiveness of self-centred "charity" in my high school and university, it's cognitively easier to just disregard all charity altogether. Students go around asking for thousands of dollars to send local kids to go "build a {house, school, well} in {third-world country}".

They talked about the opportunity to make money Just as another data point, lots of countries have corrupt and self-centred politicians. A spin doctor the UK government, on September 11th 2001, between when the towers were hit and when the fell, wrote an email to their staff saying "It's now a very good day to get out anything we want to bury.

You suggest that they are insufficiently self-reflective, not very world-wise, and perhaps just a bit self-centred. These are reasonable inferences, but they don't go very deeply into understand the psychology, beliefs and motivations of your stereotypical spoiled white kid.

Mainly all of the reasons you gave against it were completely self-centred and if you acknowledge that the quality of your life is most greatly impacted by your interaction with others... well, alcohol can bring value to that.

I'm not aware of any particular recruitment forums, mainly because I avoid them like the plague however the general consensus is that a lot of coders, particularly the more experienced ones are arrogant and self-centred. Most recruiters don't realise that the attitude they face is primarily based on the fact that coders don't like dealing with recruiters.

Absolutely - anyone wandering into one of these opinion articles/discussions would think that developers are a self-centred bunch of arseholes whose productivity is the most important thing in the entire universe, and isolation/concentration is critical. Even brain surgeons need to collaborate and operate - literally - in conjunction with other people.

Absolutely agree - anyone wandering into one of these opinion articles/discussions would think that developers are a self-centred bunch of arseholes whose productivity is the most important thing in the entire universe, and isolation/concentration is critical. Even brain surgeons need to collaborate and operate - literally - in conjunction with other people.

Given that I've seen self-centred comments like "I considered the project a success because I got paid and I had fun doing it", rather than thinking about the bigger picture, I can totally see people thinking thoughts like "Don't tell me how long it would take them to make and deliver 15 pizzas, I want to figure out on my own when is the latest we should give them a call, who cares what time people will arrive for the party? The important thing is having fun figuring out how late I can call the pizza place."

Self-centred definitions


limited to or caring only about yourself and your own needs

See also: egoistic egoistical egocentric self-centered