Egoistical in a sentence as an adjective

That said, he is fairly egoistical. I don't think even he would deny that.

Believing that the "greatest mystery" is between our two ears feels a tad bit egoistical.

Your post comes off very egoistical. Ghost has actually delivered.

Frustrating that after all those nice world web saving words "only" egoistical overpaid upper management people remain. On the other side, these are likely the people who bring in all the money from Google.

I then pointed out that assuming someone else didn't do the math because their results are different than your results is egoistical.

Doing sports seems to be a very self-centered, egoistical thing. The only thing I can accept is that it motivates people to push harder and explore boundaries of human achievement.

So again, sorry if that is indeed what can be understood in what I wrote because that would be egoistical and wrong, but I genuinely don't believe that's what I wrote.

Arguably, getting on HN front page is directly correlated to the visits/money you get, while on an academic forum people will only care for egoistical reasons. The problem will be less, but it will still exist.

Isn't it a bit egoistical to assume this affects or is interesting only for American citizens?" Well my Constitution says they can spy on everyone as well as they are not US citizens".

Believing otherwise is as I wrote egoistical, self-centered. There is an unremarkable planet orbiting a regular star a thousand and two light year away from us.

>Doing sports seems to be a very self-centered, egoistical thing. If you have ever met top class scientists and acadmeics, I think you will see, unfortunately, that some of them can be equally self-centred and egotistical too.

Isn't it a bit egoistical to call such a hypothetical state of the universe "dead" just because there isn't anything of interest to humans? As far as I know humans could be "spam" right now considering the nature of am infinate world

Either there's an egoistical interest in articles or this sort or all programmers out there are desperate for self-development direction. If you can answer the question "what should I do next to improve as a programmer?"

In opposition to what you think, doctors are highly egoistical individuals and absolutely do not cover for one another.

His World War I journal portrays him has an very egoistical man, with a violent contempt to everyone, including his comrades. He wrote: "It is almost impossible to find a trace of humanity in them [the men of his unit]" and, about marines, "I often cannot discern the human being in a man".

There's very little value judgement - or rather, the sum of the movement is altruistic, even if the individual actions taken within it are egoistical. My software isn't "better" because I wrote it altruistically than if I wrote it for a million bucks and open sourced it so I could legally take advantage of other peoples code in it.

I'm no tree-hugger, but also from a purely egoistical point of view I worry about the consequences of the very fast changes we're causing to the environment in which humans evolved and to which we are adapted. Nothing guarantees that the changes will lead to an environment that can sustain 6+B human beings, so trying to predict the consequences is a very wise thing to do.

My answer to everyone who thinks there is an objective distinction between productive and non-productive and advocates use of violence to redistribute resources: you are an egoistical immoral evil person who has no humility or interest in people around you. Instead of figuring out why people do what they do, you suggest pointing guns at them to do what you think is better for mysterious "society".

I think it might be worthwhile to consider the influence that the egoistical and condescending example person might have on someone who is not a perfectly rational actor, and possibly easily cowed into giving up on a technical discussion or retreating from the project as a whole. Sure, ideally all contributors to open-source projeccts are thick-skinned and confident enough that harsh condescendence will not affect them much, but in reality, they probably are not, and I would rather cater to them than to the "assholes" who might be scaring them away.

Egoistical definitions


limited to or caring only about yourself and your own needs

See also: egoistic egocentric self-centered self-centred