Collaborate in a sentence as a verb

If you want to build a web app in Haskell instead of the web's true lingua franca, all you're accomplishing is making it harder to hire and harder to collaborate.

Canonical does try to collaborate with other projects and distributions.

Show me the rest of the building... are there common areas where people can hang out and collaborate away from their offices, preferably with natural sunlight to the area?

Static typing benefits tooling most when you have larger groups of programmers who much collaborate, often asynchronously.

This includes new ways to write, understand, and collaborate on code, and the next generation of tools and infrastructure for delivering software continuously and reliably.

But there is an interesting side effect, which is that the old informal mechanisms people use to communicate and to collaborate disappear, that they are destroyed by the introduction of technology.

My first thought is to go with something like "We help individuals collaborate by [whatever it is this thing does]" simply because that gets me a frame of reference faster and gets to talking about the interesting part sooner.

Use this to your advantage two ways: let these people share and collaborate, even if informally For the repairmen, this was a morning coffee break turned out to be a hugely valuable cross-training and troubleshooting feature.

Collaborate definitions


work together on a common enterprise of project; "The soprano and the pianist did not get together very well"; "We joined forces with another research group"

See also: cooperate


cooperate as a traitor; "he collaborated with the Nazis when they occupied Paris"