Anonymity in a sentence as a noun

I think anonymity on the internet is a great thing.

I wish I could request anonymity as easily as you can.

It spends a page talking about _whys desire for anonymity and reclusive nature.

It's valuable that we are permitted any anonymity at all.

The power of anonymity is that you get to voice honest opinions without tying it up with your identity and/or feeling responsible for it.

I think my favorite, horrible quote on this is from Facebook's marketing directory, Randi Zuckerberg:...People hide behind anonymity and they feel like they can say whatever they wantWell, how dare people say what they want.

In the meantime, people who have good reason not to post under their own names -- vulnerable people, whistleblowers, others -- are now fully on display to those sociopaths who are only too happy to press the attack with or without anonymity.

Anonymity definitions


the state of being anonymous

See also: namelessness