Egocentric in a sentence as a noun

In my case it took me years to move away from being a typical clueless egocentric engineer. I am sure I still am to some extent.

You make a great point about the egocentric nature of a developer. It reminds me of the saying "Working for youself means you don't have a boss.

This seems like an awfully whiny and egocentric opinion. Look, the world wont end if sometimes those symbols cannot be displayed.

One of the reasons I'm leaving my current role at the end of the month is due to this egocentric development approach from the team lead." Bzzzzzt" and "Schoolboy error" are not good peer review comments to hand out to the team.

Those who keep saying "Maps is great" need to leave an egocentric view and realize that there are millions of users all around the world with different experiences. I have a theory about these people -- they are the ones who never realized that you could search Maps for place names.

Those who keep saying "Maps is great" need to leave an egocentric view and realize that there are millions of users all around the world with different experiences. According to the apology letter they serve about 500 million searches in one week.

That's only cognitive dissonance if you're hopelessly egocentric. Death is obviously bad for you as an individual, but is crucial to the long-term survival on a species.

For me, Steve Jobs was an egocentric and self-centered. Elon is a visionary, just read this quote: I came to the conclusion that we should aspire to increase the scope and scale of human consciousness in order to better understand what questions to ask.

I hate how something as interesting as this is ruined by partisanship and egocentric control-freakism. Why is this Congressman pushing the blame on Obama solely?

What is worse is that as a manager you know these egocentric people are there but sometimes you really can't do a whole lot about that. However, when you find someone who can get stuff done without rustling the feathers of the prima-donnas, that person should be pretty valuable.

Egocentric in a sentence as an adjective

Could anyone possibly be more of a self-interested, myopic, egocentric *****? My rock-bottom opinion of pretty much anyone who has anything to do with active SEO is re-confirmed for the thousandth time.

Some people won't understand that and will interpret it as you not hiring them because you're an egocentric *******. * Sometimes they're really smart, but you know they'll spend time futzing around with different technologies for technology's sake and will not be productive.

What a bunch of egocentric, self-aggrandizing tripe. > are the first army in human history to be less concerned with the acquisition of power and control and more about giving that empowerment to the individuals we fight for.

You can't understand free software from an egocentric view of the world. A non-free derivative will ultimately restrict someone's freedom, hence, considering it restricting freedom is perfectly applicable.

To do otherwise is purely egocentric, being a bad citizen: he assumes that his software is the only thing running on that system that needs memory. Of course, this concern needs to be weighed against all the other usual concerns of optimization, but frankly, one should not flagrantly waste memory where it is unnecessary.

It is supremely egocentric and inevitably destructive. You see the same warped sense of self expressed by people who go around saying "I'm a job creator" as though they were god-like individuals who combined - in a single person - holy trinity of supply, demand, and the ability to connect them that comprise any given job.

By definition, a pure psychopath feels absolutely no remorse, no guilt, and has an unshakable egocentric view that does not change. They're effectively intelligent rational agents without the natural mammal-evolved desire to benefit the group -- they only seek to benefit the self.

"first army in human history to be less concerned with the acquisition of power and control and more about giving that empowerment to the individuals we fight for" That sounds incredible egocentric. Under what standard do you exclude all suffragettes and all abolitionists from this category?

I think the "serious answer" would be "you don't put a photo of yourself, or, in fact, anything related to yourself that could be misconstrued as egocentric or status-serving, in an article related to *******; you just let it speak for itself." However, that sort of goes against the whole point of the site's format, which is, basically, to status-affiliate [through social learning] with people who have done things that have made them high-status in one way or another.

If you consider it "hopelessly egocentric" to think of death as a bad, bad thing since it's necessary for natural selection, do you also consider it ethically acceptable to **** an individual once he has stopped procreating, since he's no longer relevant to the evolutionary game?

Egocentric definitions


a self-centered person with little regard for others

See also: egoist


limited to or caring only about yourself and your own needs

See also: egoistic egoistical self-centered self-centred