Self-centered in a sentence as an adjective

The people in Texas are generally just plain rude and self-centered." No offense, but that might be the most backward thing I've ever heard.

The point, which I agree with, could have been made without the self-centered snipes at licenses you happen to dislike.

Sure, some people think I'm self-centered but fundamentally you go to work to earn money. If the team can't make sacrifices for me then I don't care to make sacrifices for it.

My stance is not beating people over the head with morality, it's purely personal and self-centered. It helps me sleep better at night when I'm not building tools that directly spy on people.

It's such a toxic, repugnant, self-centered post you and the previous commenter have made that I was literally dragged back to HN after months of hiatus just to vent my anger. You are wrong.

Why are people so self-centered that they have to make every innocent joke about politics or gender or society? I just thought it was funny that Dave said something that sounds like sex talk, and wanted all of you to know!

It's not that we're self-centered--it's that so much of the rest of the world is presented through some exploitative nostalgia that we hold it suspect.

What bothers me here, though, is that it feeds into this dipshit notion I keep running into that in order to be successful you have to be some kind of self-centered *******." Yeah, well Steve jobs would yell at people to their face when they said something he thought was stupid."

Are you certain that, even while we the people are perfectly capable of being nice to each other, the countries that represent us must act like immorally self-centered egoists? Why is that a justification for **** behavior?

For me, Steve Jobs was an egocentric and self-centered. Elon is a visionary, just read this quote: I came to the conclusion that we should aspire to increase the scope and scale of human consciousness in order to better understand what questions to ask.

But the kind of intolerance and self-centered narrow-mindedness that overzealous deletionists exhibit doesn't suit the spirit of a collaborative online project. Keep your OCD to your own home/office and away from public spaces, thank you very much.

Probably because they're mostly self-centered 20-something hipster douchebags, who can't even imagine there's someone with worse eyesight than they have. Or maybe their sense of "aesthetics" trumps any consideration of "accessibility".

Maybe it was the overly familiar tone from a stranger, or the slightly self-centered focus on the prospective employer's own personality, or the paternalistic tone of the listing, down to the closing line: "deal?" I would personally not be comfortable answering an ad like that.

With his hubris and self-centered worldview there's no way he'd work well with a team, and with his apparent aversion to writing code under any circumstances other than inside his own delicately-crafted bubble, I'd have serious doubts about his ability to hit a deadline. Nor would I trust him as a manager.

Sure, the elimination of sexually transmitted diseases would be a great thing, but to herald it primarily for the potential of the self-centered orgy it might bring is downright depressing and reeks of a man who has never had meaningful sex. The assumption "as nature intended" would pass as propaganda in Huxley's writings.

It's hard to be kind to someone you don't respect, someone you think makes bad decisions, someone who isn't kind back, someone who is emotionally selfish or self-centered, etc. Take the large percentage of the population that fits into one of those categories, then square that, and you're well on your way to understanding the statistics.

Self-centered definitions


limited to or caring only about yourself and your own needs

See also: egoistic egoistical egocentric self-centred