Pretentious in a sentence as an adjective

" There is more to wine than "pretentious people with their cellars.

Like many pretentious high school students, I've read him, but may not be the better for it.

Maybe I am being pretentious, but I swear I am just trying to help and expose my thoughts on the subject.

Ignoring the issue like he is "above it" is pretty ******* pretentious if you ask me.

Out of all the pretentious "this isn't Hacker News" comments, this is the most ridiculous example I've seen.

Not only is the CEO irresponsible, she sounds pretentious.

I love Heroku, but am I the only one that thinks their choice of words describing their architecture is a bit pretentious?

Man this housing advice is really pretentious -- only live in Mountain View or SF with an internship salary?

I replied something to the effect of "well I think it'd be pretentious for me to call myself an expert, I like to let my work speak for itself.".

And I'm not saying that Dustin Curtis deserved to have his design imitated because he was pretentious, oh no.

It's why I never take a position in these threads except maybe to offer pretentious meta-analysis, like I'm doing right now.

The university had a computer club but I found that lot, as a whole, to be a pretentious lot with whom I had precious little in common.

A world made up of overly-reviewed, pretentious gadgets slightly edges out a utilitarian, post-apocalyptic, hellscape Bartertown where people scavenge through wreckage looking for makeshift utensils and clothing.

Pretentious definitions


making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction; "a pretentious country house"; "a pretentious fraud"; "a pretentious scholarly edition"


intended to attract notice and impress others; "an ostentatious sable coat"

See also: ostentatious


(of a display) tawdry or vulgar

See also: ostentatious