Incompetent in a sentence as a noun

That we could remain that naively incompetent after 16 cycles of picking founders and then watching how they do?

Not only that, but the technical attributes of your RSA usage appear incompetent.

There's owning up to mistakes, which is very "trendy" right now, and then there's being a straight up terrible, unethical, incompetent person.

If you're working regular long hours on someone else's business, it's because they are incompetent/lazy/greedy.

This sounds less like sexism and more just non-sexist ******* crazy people and incompetent HR. Somehow that isn't particularly better.

There's no vast conspiracy dedicated to turning Google evil, no influx of incompetent new PMs & designers.

Information content in headlines is important, and clearly the moderator is incompetent at this role.

Chicago judges are elected, and each election cycle, papers and blogs run horror stories about incompetent judges who no rational elector could vote for.

Incompetent in a sentence as an adjective

> is it possible for you to give constructive criticism for a project without calling people "incompetent"?Cryptocat had many such bits of constructive criticism.

I get the feeling that at the very top of every Hacker News comment thread, there's someone who claims that the author of the article is an incompetent idiot because they found a factual error somewhere in the article.

I'm working 40-60hr weeks trying to be competent in my current job, I simply don't have time to remember what I did 5 years and 2 jobs ago -- but it bothers me that I'm now functionally incompetent for a job that I used to be among the best at.

My boss and my bosses's boss and all the HR people I'd give an F. Absolutely the most incompetent people I've worked with in 20 years of mostly working with startups where even really competent people have to struggle with immense difficulties and uncertainty, neither of which was present at Amazon, except to the extent created by incompetence, though this incompetence went all the way to the top. I saw other people leading other teams who were C & D players, so I presume my team was just particularly bad.

Perhaps this is the difference between an experienced non-expert and a real expert[3].In my experience not a lot of employers care about this, perhaps because their challenges aren't those of complexity-in-scale, or perhaps because complexity hasn't bit them hard enough yet, or perhaps because they are "unconsciously incompetent"[4].

Hilariously, when I read it now I find myself actually distrusting the hypothetical problem statement -- which is dicta for the purpose of this exercise -- because in light of being lied to I find myself thinking "Management, who we have established are liars, are probably too incompetent to actually measure people's productivity.

Or it has highly non-trivial political/regulatory barriers to entry, like "Convince an incompetent, intransigent, and politically invulnerable agency to disemploy half their workforce, who are by the way mostly veterans, whose main professional competence is doing an important thing slowly, poorly, and expensively.

Incompetent definitions


someone who is not competent to take effective action


legally not qualified or sufficient; "a wife is usually considered unqualified to testify against her husband"; "incompetent witnesses"

See also: unqualified


not qualified or suited for a purpose; "an incompetent secret service"; "the filming was hopeless incompetent"


showing lack of skill or aptitude; "a bungling workman"; "did a clumsy job"; "his fumbling attempt to put up a shelf"

See also: bungling clumsy fumbling


not doing a good job; "incompetent at chess"

See also: unskilled


not meeting requirements; "unequal to the demands put upon him"

See also: incapable