Unqualified in a sentence as an adjective

That's the question and I am unqualified to answer.

Yes, less of that and more unqualified positive gushing, please.

Many years ago, I applied for a Google job that I was totally unqualified for.

If you would say I'm unqualified to drive a ford because I've been driving toyotas, you'd be laughed at, wouldn't you?

Could you please state your position instead of simply mentioning that other people are unqualified to do so?

Though I speak from a probably utterly uninformed + unqualified standpoint, this raises a few points for me:-1.

In fact not to put words in his mouth, but I think he would agree with my opinion that you can not master something as broad and unqualified as "software development".

> "quality content with a focus on... anything that appeals to the inquisitive mind"This is a source of a lot of uncivil behavior on HN. Startup founders/tech geeks are intellectually interested in a lot of topics but unqualified to discuss them in any detail.

Decision making by committee leads to a lot of really mediocre decisions--like keeping a co-founder as CTO despite being unqualified for the job!This decision-by-committee dynamic happened early on in my current startup.

You pretty much just made up a strawman and beat the bejesus out of it for no reason...I'll be the first to call out unqualified gushing, but if that's what we're calling a factual account of a company paying back a loan I simply have to disagree with you.

The problem with the typical tech recruiter is that they feel their job is to screen out unqualified candidates, but they do not understand technology well enough to understand the candidates, and thus they end up using completely arbitrary criteria.

I'm a huge advocate of going the extra mile to help out a customer, but I could easily imagine a story where a company wasn't able to focus on its profitable customers because it was so inundated with supporting unqualified users that it didn't have the time and resources to close a $10M sale.

The author is already extremely successful, and not only in his career: " and at 40 hadnt accomplished much other than finding a good woman who was foolish enough to marry me, and somehow managed to have two wonderful children that I was vastly unqualified to have fathered"So all he needs to enjoy the spoils of his success is to change his point of view.

Unqualified definitions


not limited or restricted; "an unqualified denial"


not meeting the proper standards and requirements and training


legally not qualified or sufficient; "a wife is usually considered unqualified to testify against her husband"; "incompetent witnesses"

See also: incompetent


having no right or entitlement; "a distinction to which he was unentitled"

See also: unentitled