Usage in a sentence as a noun

I think it's a bit pedantic to argue about his usage of "desire".

My 2013 11" Air gets 8 hours easily, but can go as long as 12 or as short as 2 depending on screen brightness and CPU usage.

In everyday usage, the fastest ARM chips are 10x slower than a quad-core Haswell.

Well, that's the end of my usage of Dropbox, effective immediately.

If I download an app on my iPad, it instantly shows up on my iPhone and my iPad mini, ready for use. I don't have to pay any extra usage fees for multiple devices.

Not only that, but the technical attributes of your RSA usage appear incompetent.

Before HN, looking at the usage of tags and stories per tag helped me figure out what technologies or topics were growing in popularity and find out what to read first about them.

Then I read something like: "in Ubuntu, we have some elements waiting to help out: the messaging menu, the me menu, and the sound menu" and discover the concept is stuffing functionality into a maze of predetermined slots based on a set of usage assumptions.

Usage definitions


the act of using; "he warned against the use of narcotic drugs"; "skilled in the utilization of computers"

See also: utilization utilisation employment exercise


accepted or habitual practice

See also: custom usance


the customary manner in which a language (or a form of a language) is spoken or written; "English usage"; "a usage borrowed from French"