Incapable in a sentence as an adjective

To be fair, Matt Cutts is incapable of ever not being nice.

And even though it is happening right in front of our eyes many people are incapable of noticing.

Simply because everything is a hash and the language is incapable of doing any kind of introspection.

Instead, they're weak -- incapable of protecting their people and productivity.

It's really quite something when an author manages to put down in words a thought or a feeling you were hitherto incapable of expressing.

You also need to understand what a competitor's real weaknesses are as well as understand which parts of their strengths you're incapable of attacking.

An except from the spiel at a company I am not at liberty to name: There is no machine in this facility which is incapable of killing you.

And the correct way to hold them accountable is to remove them from an office they have proven themselves incapable of using appropriately.

I really, really hope the culture of leaking information becomes so strong that governments will become incapable of keeping anything a secret.

And mind you, this is the absolute easiest online market place feature you can possibly program: don't show me what I already own and thus am literally incapable of repurchasing.

Bitcoin: a currency for which capability to buy pizza is noteworthy, required custom programming, comes with a 10% novelty tax, and is incapable of maintaining a single price for 24 hours.

Friendship wasn't an affectation, it was a necessity; humans are effectively incapable of surviving as an individual with no social support, and these people were, by modern standards, in a constant state of just barely scraping by.

Apparently I'm incapable of developing an emotional attachment to geographical coordinates.

Incapable definitions


(followed by `of') lacking capacity or ability; "incapable of carrying a tune"; "he is incapable of understanding the matter"; "incapable of doing the work"


not being susceptible to or admitting of something (usually followed by `of'); "incapable of solution"


(followed by `of') not having the temperament or inclination for; "simply incapable of lying"


not meeting requirements; "unequal to the demands put upon him"

See also: incompetent