Invulnerable in a sentence as an adjective

The bogosort is well known to be invulnerable to such attacks.

IPhones and iPads are perceived by some as invulnerable to viruses or spyware, like a game console.

This allows them to keep the vast majority of the funds offline where they are invulnerable to attack.

The executive branch seem to be nigh-invulnerable these days.

Encrypting anything with your Google Accounts password doesn't really make you invulnerable against Google.

"It has no grooves, the digitally encoded recording lies beneath the disc surface, invulnerable to dirt and damage.

Apart from the idiosyncrasies of large communities that HN is not invulnerable to, I actually have found great content here.

He doesn't realize that Apple's claim of being invulnerable to warrants also protects the user from Apple's own vulnerabilities.

Just because they release some of their source code does not make them invulnerable from being seen as evil that they are for their perspective technology sector they operate in.

Wasn't Java considered invulnerable only 2 weeks ago?

When cops come across otherwise nice young white guys who believe themselves invulnerable or above the law and are doing stupid, impulsive things, their usual practice is to "scare them straight.

What makes you think you are invulnerable from this?Do you remember the case of the DC Madam, the lady who was being charged of running a prostitution ring in DC, who "committed *******"?

As for the justification of putting prosecutors beyond elections because of "the South": Reconstruction and Jim Crow have somehow become the excuse for birthing a class of invulnerable prosecutors that threaten a young Jewish kid in Boston with 35 years in jail for downloading some history PDFs!

Or it has highly non-trivial political/regulatory barriers to entry, like "Convince an incompetent, intransigent, and politically invulnerable agency to disemploy half their workforce, who are by the way mostly veterans, whose main professional competence is doing an important thing slowly, poorly, and expensively.

Invulnerable definitions


immune to attack; impregnable; "gunners raked the beach from invulnerable positions on the cliffs"