Unskilled in a sentence as an adjective

Tech companies should not therefore look to Big Corps who just hire large amounts of unskilled labor.

They're offering them a decent job for a decent wage knowing that these people are totally unskilled.

I am certainly less snarky about kids going to do unskilled construction labor.

Did unskilled rubes that do nothing all day put up banners saying "Auto boys not welcome"?This is absurd.

To me the most interesting part is that these are not the only unskilled labor being employed by Google.

But my dad, an unskilled immigrant, ran IT companies for most of his life, and my mother, well into her 60's, got an iPad before I did. ****, she was on Skype when I still had a landline...

Given the high rate of unemployment that exists already, it seems like society's value for unskilled work is pretty low already.

There would be little need for minimum wage laws; unskilled labor can become primarily for earning a little more spending money, or about social roles within a group or community.

Unskilled definitions


not having or showing or requiring special skill or proficiency; "unskilled in the art of rhetoric"; "an enthusiastic but unskillful mountain climber"; "unskilled labor"; "workers in unskilled occupations are finding fewer and fewer job opportunities"; "unskilled workmanship"


lacking professional skill or expertise; "a very amateurish job"; "inexpert but conscientious efforts"; "an unskilled painting"

See also: amateurish amateur inexpert


not doing a good job; "incompetent at chess"

See also: incompetent