Hypothesize in a sentence as a verb

I hypothesize that this is a coordinated yet simple ruse to rebuild trust in these brands post-Snowden [1][2].

Is it fair to hypothesize that a high proportion of people working in tech today were bullied and abused as children?

Many people don't shuffle properly, so I would hypothesize that the actual set of decks that most people run into are less random.

Given that fact, it makes sense to hypothesize that the time between the moment when Wile E. steps off the cliff and when he begins to fall will be equal to or more than the distance between him and the ground divided by the speed of light.

The best you can hypothesize is that all things being equal minimum wage does/does not negatively affect unemployment numbers.

They hypothesize that if the burden of regulation is the driving force, we might see many companies go private after IPO-ing.

I think it's because of the "gather evidence, hypothesize, test, iterate" cycle.- In the end, programming is the reification of "thought structures".

Scientists hypothesize that this is part of why pregnancy may lower cancer risk -- something about how the mother's immune system deals with these foreign cells.

An interesting post would present evidence or at least hypothesize a mechanism for the relationship.

We hypothesize that the Habsburg Empire with its localized and well-respected administration increased citizens trust in local public services.

We have obligations in excess of what we could possibly pay down even if we hypothesize a 100% tax that somehow magically draws from a perfectly healthy economy while its happening.

There is a simple way, to designate moderators who can demote these comments; then there is a more interesting way:I hypothesize that there is an observable pattern to the votes over time of bait comments.

We hypothesize that an aversion to being in "last place" undercuts support for redistribution, with low-income individuals punishing those slightly below themselves to keep someone "beneath" them.

Observe that we use wood for structures all the time, a material that can be consumed by any number of very common bacteria that we don't need to hypothesize about, yet properly cared-for wood can last hundreds of years.

This hypothesized change has resulted in lower profits for independent small companies relative to the potential profits generated as part of a larger organization that can realize economies of scope and rapidly expand production.

Are you personally currently environmentally apathetic because you know China is shoving as much burned coal into the air as they can?Are you personally currently environmentally apathetic because you know somewhere there are some unspoiled mountain lakes that are still hardly touched by the hand of man?Are you personally unconcerned about the possibility of your home being nuked because thank goodness Alaska will probably survive?You hypothesize a very bizarrely precise self-interest that very suddenly gives way to complete wild suicidal abandon at a very precise point.

Hypothesize definitions


to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds; "Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps"

See also: speculate theorize theorise conjecture hypothesise hypothecate suppose