Hypothesise in a sentence as a verb

When he plant on my window sill is looking a bit ill, I might hypothesise that it's not getting enough water.

In fairness, compared to the people he helps with his philanthropic work at the moment I'd hypothesise those this will affect are fairly "rich".

Let's hypothesise that we're running on a giant Turing Machine and our program is a random fluctuation on its tape; ie. a random series of bit flips on an otherwise empty tape.

I'd hypothesise it's more likely somebody will use your fingerprint to identify you than your eye colour.

I'd be interested to know how many of their sales are from existing customers, I'd hypothesise more than the average tech company.

I don't have any figures to back this up, but I haven't seen any to the contrary so I'm going to hypothesise that ads on a really nice site that people enjoy using are going to do better than on a site that's horrible and pisses people off. Plus, the former gives people more spare time to click ads and buy stuff.

I sometimes hypothesise that the people peddling these notions do it because they really do see life as an economic system and consequently, no arguing with them would change their opinion, because they're obviously right.

> I hypothesise that offloading this brain work to a machine atrophies your cerebral musclesPersonally I think this is a myth and the brain is not like some muscle that needs to be kept in shape with a specific set of exercises.

You aren't in any position to create a generic API until you have at least 3 implementations, so unless it's a very obvious solution service, or you are practising some kind of extreme waterfall, copy/paste could be the best way to go. I'll hypothesise that most of the architectural problems we have are down to the cult of prefactoring.

Clearly a lot of this post is my analysis of what was going on in the boys head, which I can only hypothesise about from my own experiences, but the events in the story are pretty much as they happened yesterday, rather than a created analogy.

Hypothesise definitions


to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds; "Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps"

See also: speculate theorize theorise conjecture hypothesize hypothecate suppose