Theorize in a sentence as a verb

They do not hint what they were going to do with it once they had hijacked the nameservers, and I will not theorize.

Design also has its own "architecture astronauts", people who theorize a lot but don't get things done.

Rather than theorize about whether his advice works or not, actually try and see if it moves the right needles.

It doesn't matter if you can theorize a world in which perceptual problems are easier than sensory problems; we don't live there.

Of course, future is always more interesting because you can theorize instead of analyze, but in the next couple of decades it would turn boring past, too.

I theorize that Ember's lack of a single corporate backer is what has enabled its incredible community to flourish.

People theorize a lot about the difficulties it can hypothetically cause, but in practice, it seldom actually manifests itself.

And why is it no longer succeeding in quite the same way?I agree that Waterloos talent pool is interesting by virtue of UW, but not as deep as SV. Then again, lots of SV companies make these mistakes, so I think its more fruitful to look at the mistakes than to try to theorize about the environment somehow creating the mistakes, as if RIM would somehow be Apple if they had only relocated a decade ago.

No idea why you're being downvoted--though I would like to amend your statement from "guys are creepy" to "guys are easily perceived as creepy".I cannot help but notice that it seems like there may be a trend in faster binning of folks into creepy/not creepy among my generation; I believe this also may be because social skills are not that great in this magical interconnected age. People are so used to being able to pull up relevant data about others, I theorize, that being faced with a new person without that data or connection makes the newcomer more alien.

Theorize definitions


to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds; "Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps"

See also: speculate theorise conjecture hypothesize hypothesise hypothecate suppose


construct a theory about; "Galileo theorized the motion of the stars"


form or construct theories; "he thinks and theorizes all day"