Assiduous in a sentence as an adjective

And the thing I like about python is the core teams assiduous avoidance of warts.

Grellas, you're the man when it comes to assiduous comments on legal topics, but why this article?

I'm not a very assiduous Facebook user, but at some point I've noticed it can blur the edge between sync/async.

Capitalism is fantastic, but the extremes it gives rise to can be checked by assiduous oversight.

"You may personally be sincere, and if you have been equally assiduous on all upsetting topics, I commend you.

"No pinger will save lost cargo around Cornwall - they've been assiduous scavengers down there for centuries..."That's absolutely 100% casting an aspersion.

It works for the same reason a well-administered datacenter does: because the professionals tasked with maintaining[1] it are assiduous in so doing.

They've been very assiduous about the former while neglecting the latter for some time now and are finally allowing the idea that inflation could go a little higher than 2%.

No pinger will save lost cargo around Cornwall - they've been assiduous scavengers down there for centuries...But I guess it's just cheaper for all concerned to write off the lost goods and file an insurance claim.

The whole point of the article is that there was no coverage in previous years, because participants are so terrified of crossing Bezos that they've been assiduous about not talking about it.

Unless you're really assiduous about plugging it in all the time you're not using it, it'll be dead every time you pick it up!Cheap tablets probably make excellent status boards, though, left plugged in and running a browser.

Namely, Tyson Foods, which was able to be assiduous with their profits over the years and provided wages to their employees during the pandemic, suffer from this blatant "synthetic" market competition.

Assiduous definitions


marked by care and persistent effort; "her assiduous attempts to learn French"; "assiduous research"; "sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles"

See also: sedulous