Precise in a sentence as an adjective

Guys, some of you who are criticizing the precise "assumptions" are missing the point!

There is as far as I know no language in existence that allows the precise thing the author wants to achieve.

He's not saying that utilization will go up to 96% precisely, or that there will be 20x fewer cars.

These signals must arrive within a very precise window of acceptance.

For Crystal Cox it means that the case will be retried in district court, this time using a more precise definition of libel.

A well-made dial is almost always faster and more precise than up-down digital controls.

The second argument is where people start talking about the supposed benefits drones, because they're in theory more precise.

I stand by this decision, but I think we should have been more forthcoming, precise, and responsive when communicating that.

This is a pretty good list of gotchas, but it's important when writing something targeted at beginners to be as precise and clear as possible.

There are certainly people trying to argue to the public that a drone strike is highly precise, clinically correct, and technologically accurate.

"Understanding large concurrent programs is significantly easier with a precise pointer analysis to help you track objects.

Fundamentally, Oracle had been arguing that the SSO of its 37 API packages reflected creative expression of precisely the type that the Copyright Act was intended to protect.

You've got VR headsets for immersive 3d audio and video, haptic gloves or suits, sometimes with cabling for precise pressure and force vector feedback, variable-attitude simulators, etc.

This isn't because we have lots of horrible proposals coming to us or because we're grouchy old academics; it's because even if we like the general idea behind something, the precise details are rarely perfect.

They can also offer precise haptic feedback through vibration and resistance.- The stylus is an unparalleled instrument for HCI operations involving continuous two dimensional spaces.

They offer instant visual feedback, precise tuning, spatial discrimination, variable velocities, can be used without looking, and can be adapted for multiple resolutions.- Sliders.

I found this incredibly helpful for managing my emotions because it let me track my progress in a very precise way: every monthly checkup that would go by uneventfully, I knew exactly what my chance of relapse had dropped to.

This was due to the way the production line was set up, and people with experience in designing production lines will tell you how difficult it is to have everything happen with timings so precise that every single unit coming out of it is perfect 100% of the time.

Precise definitions


sharply exact or accurate or delimited; "a precise mind"; "specified a precise amount"; "arrived at the precise moment"


(of ideas, images, representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth ; strictly correct; "a precise image"; "a precise measurement"

See also: accurate exact