Theorise in a sentence as a verb

As a layman if I had to theorise how this can be... I'd say- Shifting cultures.

A place where we can only theorise about the concept of 'beginning' or 'end' or 'smallest' or 'largest'.

And, more to the point, he didn't theorise or philosophise his way out of the concentration camp like Frankl did.

Can anybody theorise to me on why asian men are an exception to the lack of diversity?

You don't have to theorise if that was enjoyable lifestyle - just take a look on any developing nation and people that are more than eager to ditch that.

We know they work because, unlike in the past, we conduct rigorous studies, but we can only theorise as to why the work and why they don't have the same effect in all patients.

I could make a list full of hundreds of reasons why depression might be adaptive - that it's so darn easy should serve as a warning why it's often a bad idea to theorise like this.

I theorise that the post gave the hackers of the community an opportunity to vent their latent dislike of superficial or even detrimental UI changes.

I would suspect that the engineers theorise what can be done and produce a small scale demonstration and then the craftsmen take the concept and refine it into something that's reproducible at scale too.

"Don't publicly theorise about public figures" may be good general advice if you are actively being pursued by a court, however it is appallingly restrictive advice for general life.

This for an apparently legal heterosexual encounter in 2015 - how much more scandal for an illegal homosexual encounter in 1952?--ยน I'd theorise it wasn't ephebophilia per se but a longing for his boyhood friend who died.

Ha, I used to theorise exactly this as a thought experiment years ago.... wonder if that means the target market for New Scientist is now sixteen year old geeks trying to impress the adopted maternal figures their maths and physics teachers have become

Playing with semantics, if a pro agreed to power such a helicopter, he'd most likely be doing it as an amateur, since amateurs do things for the love of it!Pros take risks, but I'd theorise that a part of the career would be managing those risks, to maximise the career.

Theorise definitions


to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds; "Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps"

See also: speculate theorize conjecture hypothesize hypothesise hypothecate suppose