Falsifying in a sentence as a noun

I worked at a hedge fund and we used this to figure out whether other funds were falsifying their returns or not.

Now you have to explain what John Broder has to gain from falsifying a review and why it was worth risking his livelihood.

Mayor got caught falsifying documents in previous city job.

[1] And yet again, you have degraded the value of my undergraduate education by falsifying my hard learned facts.

Provably falsifying evidence even one time should be enough to be banned from ever being entrusted to carry out this role again.

While decompiling/reverse engineering is not in itself illegal, falsifying an identity like this is sure shady and should be shut down.

I'd be very surprised if a quarter of academics believed that falsifying results or plagiarism were key to success in research.

If the point is valid, why are they falsifying data?It sounds a lot like they couldn't find a trip where the range would be inadequate, so they pretended the range was inadequate.

If making a mistake while falsifying a statement from Snowden is plausible, then why isn't making a mistake while editing or transcribing plausible?I think you need to loosen your tinfoil.

> While I disagree with what the nsa is doing, they are not using the evidence obtained illegally against youExcept they did, by passing it to other agencies and then falsifying their chain of investigation through "parallel construction".

' According to Fiona Godlee, the journal's editor-in-chief, 'It's one thing to have a bad study... In this case we have a very different picture of what seems to be a deliberate attempt to create an impression that there was a link by falsifying the data.

Falsifying definitions


the act of determining that something is false

See also: falsification disproof refutation refutal