Falsification in a sentence as a noun

> I don't see how you can dismiss the notion of truth and then invoke falsification.

It is a falsification of the theory "Gravity is a force".

It does not hold up to the foundational standards of the natural science which rely on falsification.

So what if Broder was found to not be engaging in an malicious falsification?

However, Fox won on appeal as courts found FCC regulations against news falsification was a policy, and not a law.

I'm not sure the falsification of records is really at the root of this, in the sense that it was a deception that did not really deceive anyone.

But this article contains some markers that are at best suggestive of exaggeration, at worst maybe falsification.

Fields that cannot produce unambiguous falsifications, and that won't discard failed theories, are not sciences.

Lots of these techniques are stolen from painting, where the deliberate falsification of perspective has long been used for both aesthetic and semantic effect.

With a system as complex as the earth's environment, falsification is essentially impossible.

In 2010, however, Nature had also noted rising concerns about fraud\n in Chinese research, reporting that in one Chinese government \n survey, a third of more than 6,000 scientific researchers at six \n leading institutions admitted to plagiarism, falsification or \n fabrication.

Falsification definitions


any evidence that helps to establish the falsity of something

See also: disproof refutation


a willful perversion of facts

See also: misrepresentation


the act of rendering something false as by fraudulent changes (of documents or measures etc.) or counterfeiting

See also: falsehood


the act of determining that something is false

See also: falsifying disproof refutation refutal