Refutation in a sentence as a noun

"The force of a refutation depends on what you refute.

Do you have a refutation for the articles's words?

I think pointing out a logical fallacy is not a refutation.

Off with the oil shill Broder's head" talk here and elsewhere, but Tesla's data seems too far from an ironclad refutation of the article.

The "unwittingly do something illegal" is the most common refutation I've heard used.

I'm actually surprised that the 4th Amendment isn't referenced more frequently in refutation to the asinine "nothing to hide" position.

I demand a good faith refutation that treats my central thesis seriously, even though my predictions have a poor track record and my thesis is outside of mainstream consensus.

Criticizing Hazlett of being too rhetorical, while typing a wall of text without a single objective refutation to one claim is hypocritical at the least.

That society has moved past those prejudices and is able to look back at his work with admiration, and shame for his treatment, is a gratifying refutation of his fears, not a convenient retelling of his story to fit modern agendas.

Larry Ellison had similar coverage when it came to being incredibly loud and obnoxious - and he's as close to a traditional industrialist as the software industry gets.> "but I really don't feel like starting a long historic discussion here.."Pardon me for saying so, but you've made some big claims and controversial statements, and your response to any refutation has been "well, I don't want to start a discussion here..." - so what do you want to do, besides drop a big, bombastic claim and walk out?

Refutation definitions


the speech act of answering an attack on your assertions; "his refutation of the charges was short and persuasive"; "in defense he said the other man started it"

See also: defense defence


any evidence that helps to establish the falsity of something

See also: disproof falsification


the act of determining that something is false

See also: falsification falsifying disproof refutal