Disproof in a sentence as a noun

Athleticism is a straw man, and makes for a poor disproof.

For a simple existence disproof: compare Mao's policies with those of his successors.

You've explained the how to InclinedPlane's what, but that hardly constitutes a disproof.

PG is only an existence disproof of the statement that all rich people are horrible, which nobody really claims.

At this point they are treating it as an axiom because they continue to believe it despite the disproof of their premises.

But there has to be money involved nobody will play if money can't be wonZynga Texas Hold'Em seems to be a fairly definitive disproof by counterexample here.

However, I don't see a categorical disproof in there of the idea that saving lives is something worth spending time and money on, so could you take a minute and connect the dots for us plebs?

>>> Yet here the author claims that believing something can be morally wrong even if it is a true belief?No, the author is claiming that belief in a statement can be morally wrong in the absence of definitive proof or disproof of that statement.

Disproof definitions


any evidence that helps to establish the falsity of something

See also: falsification refutation


the act of determining that something is false

See also: falsification falsifying refutation refutal