Frenzied in a sentence as an adjective

Last time being the previous frenzied Bitcoin price hype bubble that peaked at 31$.

Can`t wait to get back into frenzied ESR deathmatches, or full auto sniper rifle mods ... good times

I'm sure this article comes from a good place, but to me, it imparts nothing but a frenzied fear of "not making it in time.

I await your similar frenzied expose of Richard the Lionheart with bated breath....

I'd just like to thank you for putting all the clueless recruiters out there into a frenzied word search for "Github".Yours, A Bitbucket User

But the business world was frenzied with long-tail fever for years on end. "Long tail" became the buzz-phrase of the day, even in companies for whom the concept made no sense whatsoever.

They should just offer their message as a plain article, without such a frenzied design taking away from whatever it is they're trying to say.

It's meant to appeal to the frenzied foamy intersection of pro-Apple and anti-Krugman maniacs.

Black ******* users would be more accurate with a gun, would go into a frenzied state where they attack white women, and would be difficult to stop even when shot in the chest.

Leaving aside the fact that the term 'passion' is sometimes overused, I think that a lot of --especially younger-- people confuse passion with a kind of frantic, frenzied intensity.

The whole of the US sometimes seems to be a checkerboard of these low-pressure zones with lots of time and space but no money, and the boomtowns with lots of money, a frenzied pace and chronic housing scarcity.

But sometimes one is dominant, and if the gray beast gets its teeth all the way into you, it takes away not just positive feelings but everything until you're just a walking shell so empty you can't even fully comprehend what you've lost.> The converse, when the black beast has you, can be much like you describe - you can still feel a kind of dreadful, frenzied joy in short moments as you cling desperately to the edge of the sucking dark hole in yourself, trying to ignore the beast's whispers that any pleasure is a lie that will just make the coming pain more stark and inescapable and utterly deserved.> They're liars, but they're good at it.

Frenzied definitions


affected with or marked by frenzy or mania uncontrolled by reason; "a frenzied attack"; "a frenzied mob"; "the prosecutor's frenzied denunciation of the accused"- H.W.Carter; "outbursts of drunken violence and manic activity and creativity"

See also: manic


excessively agitated; distraught with fear or other violent emotion; "frantic with anger and frustration"; "frenetic screams followed the accident"; "a frenzied look in his eye"

See also: frantic frenetic phrenetic