Egoist in a sentence as a noun

+1 it shows how egoist the CEO is.

Here's my go at it:You damn egoist, pick up the phone.

It's clear when he says 'it was a tough pill to swallow' which also means highly egoist.

But, Steve Jobs was indeed an ethical egoist in words and in actions.

That's OK, if you aren't narcissistic and an egoist.

I'm more of the egoist, so, the less people know the truth as long I know it, the better it is for me and my family!

Yes, I said it, be egoist until you find out who are you now, what you want now, what you need now, and why you feel so crappy now.

This remind me that Chesterton in his book Orthodoxy said that if Nietzsche was really an egoist, he would not be preaching it.

He fits the personality type interrogators would call a "grand egoist.

Not everyone who makes stuff and cares about quality control is an "ethical egoist," or whatever you call it.

I would have a problem with that practice, but my problem would not be that it is egoist... Are you using egoist as a drop in replacement for "bad"?

Yeah my view on morals is more egoist than most but I assume that a system of morality is the best-case output of religion.

I think this statement alone, supported by his entire life's work, testifies to his having been an "ethical egoist": Dont be trapped by dogmawhich is living with the results of other peoples thinking.

But having a 100% utilisation of your CPU is a bit egoistI thought selling access to a shared resource without the ability to moderate consumption was the ridiculous bit.

Egoist definitions


a conceited and self-centered person

See also: egotist swellhead


a self-centered person with little regard for others

See also: egocentric