Derivative in a sentence as a noun

"The official term for this is "Debian derivative" rather than "fork.

I think there's great potential to use 2048 or a derivative as an educational tool.

It's also well-known that the derivative of an algebraic data type is its "zipper"!

The hash rate and return itself has now become commoditized and can be traded like a derivative.

[0] Note that all we need to state this property of the derivative is a notion of multiplication and addition.

Find the derivative of the speed function, acceleration.

That is the huge value it brings - squaring is an operation you can take the derivative of, but absolute value you cannot.

Derivative in a sentence as an adjective

There should be a small federal tax on the sale of any type of derivative, bond, stock, or other financial instrument every time it is sold.

This is still Euler integration, which has poor accuracy whenever the derivative varies with time.

Creating a translation is considered creating a "derivative work" and unless you have been given rights to create derivative works, then you're in trouble.

In more advanced mathematics, you usually state that the derivative is any operation which follows two rules 1.

" It's frightening to see countless idiotic apps get institutional money by basically making derivative products of other **** apps.

Because you can squeeze most of Calculus so that it depends only upon this "abstract interface" and then apply things you learned from calculus all over the place.---Finally, note that this is more like a "proposed" derivative than "the" derivative on natural numbers.

Derivative definitions


the result of mathematical differentiation; the instantaneous change of one quantity relative to another; df(x)/dx

See also: differential


a compound obtained from, or regarded as derived from, another compound


a financial instrument whose value is based on another security


(linguistics) a word that is derived from another word; "`electricity' is a derivative of `electric'"


resulting from or employing derivation; "a derivative process"; "a highly derivative prose style"