Wearing in a sentence as a noun

" Nevermind that I'm wearing my wedding ring!

Funny to see what a female thinks of as "wearing the same thing every day".

"Erm, that's, uh, that denim material you're wearing.

* Later, a women asks whether the pendant the author is wearing, which is from Nairobi, is "a calculator".

Wearing in a sentence as an adjective

My IP law professor once stopped class and shouted at someone wearing a polo with the disney logo, "Sir, are you trying to antagonize me?!

And that in Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, all the other culturally similar countries, they also stopped wearing hats sometime in the 1950s and 60s?

Dear NPR,I know this is just one of your employees' blogs, and I know it very likely doesn't represent the official stance of National Public Radio on hat-wearing, globalism or international politics.

Unless you've made a lot of money and you've been on the cover of Forbes, or you put an autonomous vehicle on Mars while wearing a Mohawk, telling people you're a programmer/mathematician/scientist is more likely to get them to presumptuously assume you're some mechanistic robot than for them to say "wow, interesting stuff".

Wearing definitions


(geology) the mechanical process of wearing or grinding something down (as by particles washing over it)

See also: erosion eroding


the act of having on your person as a covering or adornment; "she bought it for everyday wear"

See also: wear


producing exhaustion; "an exhausting march"; "the visit was especially wearing"

See also: exhausting tiring wearying