Wearying in a sentence as an adjective

That's the wearying part for me. That people find the show when they do, or that people like or dislike what they will -- who can take offense at that?

My son, beware of making many books; there is no end, and much study is a wearying of the flesh. The end of the message; all is heard.

It's pretty ******* wearying. Sorry, that seems like a personal hang-up to me.

Over-"please"-ing and "thank you" after every single step can be wearying - on phone support, it's always "thank you for giving me that information. I'm sorry for the wait while I put it in.

I am not meaning to be overly critical, but the constant change for the sake of change is wearying. I have been using Android since the G1 and every i/o they have redesigned the interface.

Well, that's hyperbole, but it is both wearying and distracting. I'm sure there are personality types that thrive in that situation, but it is just really hard for me to be in an environment like that for long.

I wouldn't try and force Emacs down the throat of someone who was just looking for a simple text editor; but by the same token, it is at times wearying to read about "innovations" in editing that Stallman implemented 20 years ago. And so it goes.

It's because I find dealing with people all day somewhat wearying and I enjoy having time to myself doing things that I like, such as catching up on reading I can't do during work hours.

I liked doing the rinky-dink projects but all of the overhead of play-acting like we needed to scale like Cloudflare was wearying. I took up with some TechShop stuff -- before it folded -- and enjoyed my work on laser engravers, and the CNC machines, and the lathes, and whatnot.

This conservative line of secret superior knowledge is wearying. Get vaccinated.

We have finite capacities for processing stuff, and twitter is a rabble of information, which just gets wearying after a while. To me, the people who are really into twitter all seem to be the same demographic, and that's usually bad news for a technology.

Yes, the mostly-manifest, nominal-oriented type systems of PLs like Java and C++ can be wearying, and something like Python feels like a breath of fresh air in comparison. However, a more inferred/structural approach is possible in a statically typed PL, as Haskell demonstrates so well.

We're seeing the world from a perspective of another 50 years of technological progress and divorce from direct physical labor -- labor which while it can be wearying, is also engaging. And there are certainly a wide range of psychological issues, particularly depression, present in our 2014.

Unfortunately the innumerable 1,2,3 ended users of the same email get wearying to deal with for both of us. We both have persistent UK versions of ourselves, lots of offers for free tickets to football games in the UK that I have to regretfully pass up; as well as a variety of other people that we've managed to classify by geography.

Proper, grown-up coding on a business application is incredibly wearying on the mind, and results have shown time and time again through research studies and professional management that past 8 hours coding in a day the average programmer's code quality starts to deteriorate. Past 10 hours it goes negative - at this point the code base is actually being damaged."

But it is just so wearying for people who are otherwise technically literate to still be trotting out "Apple has never cared about anything but looks" after literally decades of obvious counter-examples.

I used to work at a place that made medical electronics, and the idea that 'because smartphones that are churned out by the million only cost half a grand, every other electronic item should be similarly cheap' is just wearying.

Org/wiki/Sturgeon's_law "I repeat [Sturgeon’s Law], which was wrung out of me after twenty years of wearying defense of science fiction against attacks of people who used the worst examples of the field for ammunition, and whose conclusion was that ninety percent of SF is crud. Using the same standards that categorize 90% of science fiction as trash, crud, or ****, it can be argued that 90% of film, literature, consumer goods, etc.

Watching the film is as close as most of us might come to being stuck alone on a spacestation dealing with a high mystery; it's long, uncomfortable, wearying, and ultimately unsatisfying, as you don't come away from it with anything resembling a sense of closure... you end up knowing perhaps less than you came in with.

Wearying definitions


producing exhaustion; "an exhausting march"; "the visit was especially wearing"

See also: exhausting tiring wearing