Erosion in a sentence as a noun

He doesn't clearly prefer one over the other, but laments the erosion of the good parts of the old regime.

Once again I'm just sad to see the continued erosion from the awesomeness that was Twitter.

I'm very disturbed by the steady erosion of ownership that has been happening for the past few years.

Add it all up, and there has been an extraordinary real erosion of the standard of living over four decades.

Kudzu was introduced to America to control soil erosion.

This position is now changed as a result of the [51-B] nozzle joint erosion which eroded a secondary O-ring with the primary O-ring never sealing.

Balkanisation of the Internet is a natural result of the erosion of trust in corporations and other stewards of this mediumNot even close.

" ... I'm working 12 hour days doing like 11 jobs, making just enough money to convince myself "in just a few months" I'll find that thing that ticks and then it'll be us making hockey-stick-shaped-growth-charts and finally buying that island ive had my eye on... but even then, the island isn't totally private, so i should probably work harder then i can get a bigger and more private island, one that is fire-resistant and erosion-proof.

The failure to recognize the good in America, indeed the many ways in which it still leads the world, and see the difference between a free country with perhaps too-strict sentencing guidelines and one which enslaves and kills its people for purely political transgressions, is indicative of the erosion of one axis of our moral compass and the early sign of a culture and a nation turning in on itself and destroying itself.

Erosion definitions


(geology) the mechanical process of wearing or grinding something down (as by particles washing over it)

See also: eroding wearing


condition in which the earth's surface is worn away by the action of water and wind


a gradual decline of something; "after the accounting scandal there was an erosion of confidence in the auditors"


erosion by chemical action

See also: corrosion corroding