Exhausting in a sentence as an adjective

"I enjoyed the freedom of the year, but the guilt and self-doubt was getting to be exhausting.

I'm not a fan of drama and find her antics incredibly exhausting.

When I'm reading, I find it borderline exhausting; Scroll, re find position, think about when it's time to scroll again, do so, re find position.

It's exhausting trying to pep up founders who aren't really cut out for startups, whereas talking to the best founders is net energizing.

Frankly all the misinformation and hyperbole around this is getting exhausting.

Our relationship with her birthmother has primarily been via SMS and the months that followed were a really exhausting and beautiful blur.

"It's comforting to frame this as a political issue rather than a criminal one, because the alternative is too exhausting and frightening to grapple with.

I hate that feeling.. the knowledge that engaging in the discussion is going to be exhausting and the chance of making traction is slim, and the feeling that inaction is the only reasonable alternative.

Travelling around the world can be utterly exhausting -- absolutely exhilirating, but the endless work involved in finding accomodation, food, etc. can wear people down faster than they think.

These qualities were exhibited even more strongly during the initial phases of treatment post-discovery, which unfolded along a timeline similar to the one discussed here.- Academic hospitals are exhausting.

Exhausting definitions


having a debilitating effect; "an exhausting job in the hot sun"

See also: draining


producing exhaustion; "an exhausting march"; "the visit was especially wearing"

See also: tiring wearing wearying