Watcher in a sentence as a noun

I feel like a bird watcher who just spotted a species not known to still exist.

Sure, but the problem with the clock-watcher isn't that he's only there for 8 hours. It's that if he had a better attitude, he'd be working instead of watching the clock.

Play around with it: set up a gulp watcher, install some macros from npm, and use it. Don't push back against it unless you actually understand the problem we are trying to solve.

Right, because ending up a great musician instead of a great watcher of television would have been awful.

A more exhaustive index of the fields, a kind of bird watcher's guide for the fields of the Twitter API, should make an appearance in the coming weeks.

They're called browsers because they were meant to let people browse, not consume as a TV watcher. If I was reading a book, and the author made an update, I wouldn't necessarily want the new update from the author.

Com is even hellbanned on HN from being submitted for the crime of being a Microsoft watcher site for which the punishment here is flagging to death.

It is like saying "I am going to stop calling myself a movie watcher because half of all movie watchers like straight male-oriented action movies." Edit: Uh oh, hit the beehive.

Com is autokilled on HN due to excessive flagging for the crime of being a Microsoft watcher sie, but heaven forbid a couple of commenters don't hate MS and you feel the need to call them paid shills and blame the flamewars on them? !

I personally don't care if some repos with one watcher are full of idiocy, but I think opening pull requests is the wrong way to go about this. The old advice is, "Praise in public, criticize in private."

From there it's just a matter of optimization until a human watcher isn't even required. Self-driving cars are worth every penny of research.

I realize that they're writing what their audience wants to read, my only peeve is how much airtime their posts and arguments are given on HN. Meanwhile Paul Thurrott's Winsupersite is hellbanned on HN just for being a Microsoft watcher site. Draw your own conclusions.

They don't want to be seen as having an over-inflated ego - they know exactly how it's going to look to the watcher if they describe themselves as more beautiful than they are. They have to have had an idea of what the guy is doing, which means they're going to know there's going to be a sketch hanging next to their real face.

I've been an Apple watcher for 20 years, and I have noticed that much of what people believe about Apple is based on oft repeated myth without substantiation in fact. I remember Apple trivia fairly well, and the specifics of things that often happened before people writing about them now were out of grade school.

You can be targeted directly if the watcher controls a subset of N that captures you. There is little difference between the output of one man and one camera following you around all day, and the result of N cameras stitched together algorithmically and watched by one person.

I'm not a habitual watcher of his show but it seems to me like he's pretty good about knowing when to turn it off, or just turn it down a bit. One interview on his show where I remember him being very close to completely straight was with an astronaut who had walked on the moon, which I feel indicates that his priorities are about right.

Com, a tech insider badge, a movie watcher badge, a "is friends on Facebook with Van Diesel" badge, etc. The badge provider then communicates directly with the user to determine if the user is eligible.

Watcher definitions


a close observer; someone who looks at something (such as an exhibition of some kind); "the spectators applauded the performance"; "television viewers"; "sky watchers discovered a new star"

See also: spectator witness viewer looker


a guard who keeps watch

See also: watchman


a person who keeps a devotional vigil by a sick bed or by a dead body