Viewer in a sentence as a noun

What is the viewer of your webpage supposed to do with this new found awareness? Until you can answer that, it's all in vain.

Either way - the industry makes no money off the viewer when they easily could have.

In this Kendo example they've got a demo picture viewer, with no explanation for how it was built, and viewing the source it looks like a huge mess. 4.

We're not going give up on PDFs anytime soon, and having a JavaScript-based viewer will make people who just want to consume PDFs much more secure. One less vector of attack.

I worry I've lost the average TV viewer by the second sentence. And then there's dealing with someone interrupting you...

It inaugurates the brand, piques the viewer's interest, and plants the seeds of desire. Trust me, there will be plenty of time in the coming months for in-depth product reviews, spec comparisons, etc.

Its presence on a page says something to the viewer - not something technical but something cultural. 's removal does not make the web richer or more meaningful.

The complaint here boils down to that an unsophisticated viewer might think that sponsored content was what was originally liked when it was actually not. They say this is "impersonating a user".

Long term, the browser as a full-featured operating system makes more sense than as a mere scriptable document viewer slash plugin container.

I wasted a handful of weeks digging around in debug builds looking at bailout log entries and trying to decipher their IR using the broken log viewer they recommend, and the net result was that my code ended up faster for a few weeks until V8 changed again. Not worth it.

If you didn't bother to read the "learn more": When in the viewer, press C to see the 3D interpretation of individual shots and M for a map of the path taken by the camera.

The benefit of a posterior here is that it lets you rank items by thinking in terms of the probability that the viewer would rank one item higher than another at random. By adjusting the magnitude of the alpha parameter to the dirichlet prior, you adjust your sensitivity to small numbers of observations.

Line is predicated on the viewer having final say about whether something is right/wrong, thus subordinating the subject to the viewer. This is repulsive to the notion of liberty as protected by the American "4th Amendment" right of freedom from governmental inspection without an adjudicated warrant.

I don't know what all the negativity is about, I think it's a brilliant move that both serves its purpose for Getty, gets them more eyes to the actual images and is less of an eyesore and more informative to the viewer than just a logo.

More than a decade into hosting-as-a-business model, I still don't see why 'temporarily over quota' messages aren't replaced with an offer to let the audience sponsor a bump in quota, either for just the current viewer or however many viewers the next quantum of hosting can support.

Viewer definitions


a close observer; someone who looks at something (such as an exhibition of some kind); "the spectators applauded the performance"; "television viewers"; "sky watchers discovered a new star"

See also: spectator witness watcher looker


an optical device for viewing photographic transparencies