Looker in a sentence as a noun

Maybe it will grow on me but first impressions are that this is really not a looker.

So, there isn't a fight and an on-looker can see that both comments should be read and headed.

They may have avoided screenshots because the software isn't quite a looker.

I've been using looker a lot these past couple of months. Amazing product built by one of the strongest teams I've ever met.

Let's face it, Ada Lovelace was a bit of a looker, or at least she was painted that way. She even had a sexy sounding name.

I'd just like Hacker News to have a password-looker-upper. Would that be so very hard to provide.

Exactly, the translation of microscope from Greek is also 'small looker', if we didn't have such a fetish for using Greek and Latin words to make things sound more 'sciencey' English would be equally transparent.

If the computer could establish the exact location and direction and velocity of the looker, it could make itself partially invisible by projecting to the viewer the same colors that would have been projected had the plane not even been there. With enough knowledge of the viewer, a scrolling image of the background could be projected.

Looker definitions


a close observer; someone who looks at something (such as an exhibition of some kind); "the spectators applauded the performance"; "television viewers"; "sky watchers discovered a new star"

See also: spectator witness viewer watcher


a very attractive or seductive looking woman