Wasted in a sentence as an adjective

So really, my time was being wasted too.

If the patron stiffs the server, then the effort was 'wasted.

They can often easily do twelve or sixteen hours a day, but the extra time is simply wasted.

Anything which doesn't connect you with your customers is wasted effort.

Instead, these 44 hours were literally wasted on the students that should have been the least deserving.

Probably wasted more electricity in a day than the 'power save' feature saved in the whole US for a year.

" $4 for overnight shipping is a bargain compared to wasted time, gas, etc. Stores are harder and harder to justify.

For the manager or owner it directly costs money, time wasted on making cards costs the employer money in the form of wages.

>He wasted valuable city resourcesThere's real civic value here that greatly trumps any sort of tax payer whining.

Or all of the goddamn fixed-width "experiences" that were either too wide for what users wanted their window to be or so narrow that acres of space were wasted.

Developer time is far to valuable to be wasted on mainly administrative side-tasks.

There are some good points in there about how you shouldn't "need" alcohol, and arguments against getting totally wasted, but he seems to be completely ignoring a huge, huge middle ground.

I wasted a handful of weeks digging around in debug builds looking at bailout log entries and trying to decipher their IR using the broken log viewer they recommend, and the net result was that my code ended up faster for a few weeks until V8 changed again.

I was berated for how much time and money was wasted on getting me ready for employment, and I replied I was promised repeatedly that I would not have to sign away my rights, and this was absolutely a deal breaker and I didn't appreciate being told repeatedly this would be honored until the very last minute.

Wasted definitions


serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being; "otiose lines in a play"; "advice is wasted words"; "a pointless remark"; "a life essentially purposeless"; "senseless violence"

See also: otiose pointless purposeless senseless superfluous


not used to good advantage; "squandered money cannot be replaced"; "a wasted effort"

See also: squandered


(of an organ or body part) diminished in size or strength as a result of disease or injury or lack of use; "partial paralysis resulted in an atrophied left arm"

See also: atrophied diminished


very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold; "emaciated bony hands"; "a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys"; "eyes were haggard and cavernous"; "small pinched faces"; "kept life in his wasted frame only by grim concentration"

See also: bony cadaverous emaciated gaunt haggard pinched skeletal