Atrophied in a sentence as an adjective

If the skills have atrophied through disuse I would conclude that they have found other ways to achieve the same goals.

I think it is a survival instinct that has atrophied to dysfunction.

But, when you first switch, you are probably putting a lot of stress on muscles that have atrophied from sitting so much.

Hunch is we'll be big losers when primary care is mostly atrophied and big groups with salaried docs are common.

Instead, he cut off an atrophied, useless hand since a bionic one restored some functionality.

After stagnating at my old job, and foolishly taking a team lead position, my skills had certainly atrophied.

I feel like I'm putting a black mark on myself by admitting so on this site, but my problem is that I haven't done well technically in recent interviews because my programming knowledge has atrophied.

It was a black-box QA job, and I'm not the sort of person who writes code in my free time, so the skills I'd acquired in college atrophied and I didn't feel like I had anything to offer employers anymore.

This is also the distinction between monolithic and microkernels, part of the reason Haskell is succeeding while ML atrophied, the success of statistical AI over "classical" AI, and so forth.

> Would we support laptops that required replacement every year or two as applications required more memory and batteries atrophied?This is the key misunderstanding most people made: a 2010 MacBook Air still makes a fine system, even for software developers.

Atrophied definitions


(of an organ or body part) diminished in size or strength as a result of disease or injury or lack of use; "partial paralysis resulted in an atrophied left arm"

See also: wasted diminished