Diminished in a sentence as an adjective

It is not clear that that adds anything to Google and if Google thinks it does then my view of Google is diminished.

It will be interesting to see if uptake is diminished by their recent shutdown of Reader.

Should we buy more of that stuff because now still more is needed, or buy less because the value proposition is diminished?

In a few short years Microsoft has diminished their control of your computing experience in ways few could've predicted.

It's hard to see this piece as more than a disrupted industry, frankly, whining over their diminished power in the new reality.

The equivalent of a shipper, having sunk its cargo, claiming the damages it owes are diminished by the cargo being worth less for having dropped to the sea floor.

And while the /net file system is incredibly useful, its power is much diminished when you can't assume that the world speaks 9P, which will seemingly never be the case.

Build a social structure where childish behavior isn't rewarded, and childish behavior will be diminished.

But at the same time to an extent they are not diminished in importance, but rather culture has shifted to downplay the uncomfortable truths at the root of these elements.

"\""In other words, we're already at the point of significantly diminished, possibly negative returns on effort.

My sense is that even should I eventually become proficient at Haskell, my appreciation for Clojure's approach to software engineering would be little diminished and likely vice versa.

The most basic use case of uploading and linking to or embedding content remains invaluable, but functionality facilitating content exploration has noticeably diminished over time.

Diminished definitions


impaired by diminution

See also: lessened vitiated weakened


(of an organ or body part) diminished in size or strength as a result of disease or injury or lack of use; "partial paralysis resulted in an atrophied left arm"

See also: atrophied wasted


(of musical intervals) reduction by a semitone of any perfect or minor musical interval; "a diminished fifth"


made to seem smaller or less (especially in worth); "her comments made me feel small"

See also: belittled small