Squandered in a sentence as an adjective

The dollars are transferred but no resource is squandered.

Because Isaacson squandered the only chance we got.

Google squandered the Q - it was a great marketing opportunity, what with its unique form factor.

We would drive around and he would tell me about his life, how he had been rich as a teen pop star in Britain, but squandered it all and was broke by 20.

She sold the family silver, squandered the resulting cash on tax cuts at the top, and left the same or worse structural problems in place.

Quite frankly, americans have squandered the gifts of their forefathers and desperately need to earn their place in the world again.

"Does anyone today care that Google stood its ground against the Chinese government and squandered the entire country away to competitors?

Does anyone today care that Google stood its ground against the Chinese government and squandered the entire country away to competitors?

I guess this exemplifies my greatest struggle with the Obama legacy, in that it has become one defined by squandered potential.

Hugely important moment for his daughter completely and utterly squandered in chasing this lifecasted copy of life.

If the founder feels like outreach is critical to the startups ability to succeed and they find they have squandered time, their most precious resource, with this person who couldn't deliver then I could see them feel betrayed.

Squandered definitions


not used to good advantage; "squandered money cannot be replaced"; "a wasted effort"

See also: wasted