Unthinking in a sentence as an adjective

Keep the unthinking MBAs out of sectors where they can do real damage.

That wasn't malice, it was just an unthinking gesture.

" From this, he asserts that the ideal male guard is an unthinking robot.

It isn't "oh, I got caught," it is "oh, ****, that was a really bad thing to do." It was an unthinking mistake on my part.

Its this kind of unthinking FUD that muddies the conversation.

That said, the amount of unthinking worship I see Leica given makes me roll my eyes.

Where people from outside the US get the idea that we're all a bunch of blind, unthinking, flag waving yokels I do not know.

Well, why aren't these unthinking automatons enforcing laws about the size of switch with which you can beat your wife?

By which I mean bean counters, rule followers, and the like - unthinking automatons trying to use rules, automatic tools, and the like.

Unthinking in a sentence as an adverb

'a tribalism which casts so many as as unthinking malevolent "others.

Rand justified that for the reader by dehumanizing the guard as an unthinking automaton.

This is what fundamentalism reduces us to: unthinking animals frothing at the mouth and indulging in our most base tendencies.

It _only_ got any attention, because it was about Facebook, and so the media saw a chance to sell more ads. For the same reason, they used the metaphor of pars pro toto as a rhetorical ploy, because Princeton vs. Facebook sells more ads. Like many among the unthinking masses, you got punked by it.

It's far better to use the phrase "way out of line", which conveys the same meaning, but without the unthinking disregard for ********, theft of land, and institutionalized deceit that underpin most reservations.

Unfortunately, the forces described in the OP have compromised many congressional districts to the point where they have to be unthinking, uncompromising ideologues in order to stay in office.

And this works both ways, i imagine that gruber/seigler are getting lots of page views from people are angered by the whole apple fanboy thing, and want to have the satisfying feeling of knowing that gruber/seigler are just two more unthinking fanboys.

Goddamn, do I hate unthinking misogyny sometimes, I'm completely sick of it and it's totally acceptable in a male-dominated forum where so many other forms of isms have been classified as inadmissable.

Unthinking definitions


not exhibiting or characterized by careful thought

See also: unreflective unthoughtful


without care or thought for others; "the thoughtless saying of a great princess on being informed that the people had no bread; `Let them eat cake'"

See also: thoughtless uncaring


mentally sluggish

See also: lumpish lumpen


in a thoughtless manner; "he stared thoughtlessly at the picture"

See also: thoughtlessly unthinkingly