Lebensraum in a sentence as a noun

The Westwards expansion of their own country was based on the same principles as lebensraum, and also involved ********.

Star Wars is just the realpolitik machinations of midichlorians trying to gain lebensraum.

Every couple of months we hear about the Israelis expanding their lebensraum by building some new settlements on Palestinian land.

Stalin has some ideas about lebensraum of his own, and instigated a mass programme of exiling Latvians and importing Russians.

Even if it was true, would that in the case of NL indicate anything in regards to its taxes-welfare state?I thought it was a widely held "fact" that the NL is overcrowded and that dutchmen should try to find their lebensraum elsewhere.

Lebensraum definitions


space sought for occupation by a nation whose population is expanding