Lumpen in a sentence as an adjective

And yes the same lumpen elements in the past too had created the same "Us vs Them".

His advice if followed would make anyone a less interesting, more lumpen and bland writer.

The lumpen proletariat are moved to action only under the duress of severe hunger.

If you want to stop it looking like a lumpen fascist monument, add some new lines to it, make it look visibly different, rather than overgrown.

They can engage in cutthroat competition and there is a massive polarization between the lumpen underlings and the owners.

Why are there countries composed mostly of lumpen aboriginals and left-behinds that are even wealthier per-capita?

Spain's problems are endemic; but most of Europe shows similar tendencies now - High level of entitlements, soaring deficits, lower cost efficiency and lumpen youth.

" In other words, it couldn't go very fast, it got good gas mileage, and it was economical to run. Extolling these virtues was the car's deliberately plug-ugly design, one that proclaimed the vehicle was in the service of the lumpen proletariat, those who only drive and serve.

We probably have more in common with the global elites than we do with the "lumpen proletariat", and most of us are probably nett beneficiaries of immigration.

Luminaries like Penrose still assert a fundamental disjunction between what brains do and what machines do and he isn't alone among physicists, to say nothing of the broader philosophical community or the lumpen mass of human opinion.

¿How is an UBI going to help the feeling of "being useless / unnecessary / a burden" and seeing immigrants as the ones "taking away" their jobs as capital opts for outsourcing and automation?The abhorrent coward assailant wasn't even lumpen to begin with.

But at least they make an effort rather than vilify and denigrate them as illiterate, lumpen masses of bigoted people who deserve being swept aside by a tide of workers willing to undercut them because however underpaid the newcomers are, they are much better off than remaining back home.

The best way to stop bad ideas spreading from bad people to the lumpen proletariant is moderation by better people, who can use a variety of speech-limiting tools to ensure the best ideas win.- Free speech side: Ideas are pretty harmless, because people are robust and can easily reject bad ideas that other people talk about.

The lumpen proletariat didn't appreciate the sentiments the Falcon reflected, and although people who couldn't afford anything more bought the Falcon, they drove the car without joy and bought few of the optional accessories that made selling the car profitable.> On the other hand, the Ford Mustang when it was released in 1964 was a phenomenon, and Ford couldn't make enough of them to meet demand.

Lumpen definitions


mentally sluggish

See also: lumpish unthinking