Uncaring in a sentence as an adjective

I'm very sorry that our project came across as uncaring.

It's not disturbing at all. I am glad Google is a company made up of humans and not uncaring robots.

Who are you to stereotype all hackers as uncaring, blunt, socially awkward and mean?

> I am glad Google is a company made up of humans and not uncaring robotsThat's exactly the problem.

"The universe, from the perspective of a Perl programmer, is certainly cruel and uncaring.

Instead of dealing with his borderline autism for what it was, in her blog she attacked him being arrogant and uncaring.

At least in American slang "a tool" is synonymous with someone who is rude, uncaring, and generally arrogant.

****, man, there's too much gold in this tragedy to just throw it away!Nobody likes hearing that the universe is uncaring and unpredictable.

I wouldn't like that, but it would be somewhat understandable that a big uncaring firm would look at their bottom line as the only determining factor.

Ultimately using the site got me fired from my job and the team at Developer Auction was extremely non-responsive/uncaring about it all.

Google is notorious for providing horrible customer support, so why some people get personalized help, while the rest of us are stuck with the uncaring robots?

When you're as totally awesome and uncaring about your customers as Facebook, you can toss out words like "consumer grade" to describe people affected by your ****-ups.

Yes, it's a real problem and steps should be taken to fix it but the tsunami of hate that is aimed at anyone who is portrayed as remotely uncaring / oblivious to the issue is beyond disgusting.

It's kind of like the difference between an uncaring ******* and a libertarian, he's trying to work in the interests of the greater good by fighting against unneeded complexity and unaligned incentives.

You took a general problem and made it about yourself - because for whatever reason you've decided your interpretation of the problem rules above all else, and everyone else is blind uncaring sheeple for thinking otherwise.

Very rational, as the time from death to vitrification is so very critical, but again something forced upon people by uncaring bureaucrats and laws that prevent self-determination in end of life decisions.

But the remedy needs to go to the source of the abuse and that source is a faceless, uncaring local government that has elevated cost-savings over fairness and, when caught as it has been here, is trying to pretend that it can impose a few regulations at the edges to solve the problem.

To highlight one thing:"Fifteen or fourteen or even ten years ago, I might have railed against the inherent unfairness of a cruel and uncaring universe of technology driven by fashion, where technical superiority is less important than buzz, but I've tried these approaches over my career.

Uncaring definitions


lacking affection or warm feeling; "an uncaring person"

See also: detached unaffectionate


without care or thought for others; "the thoughtless saying of a great princess on being informed that the people had no bread; `Let them eat cake'"

See also: thoughtless unthinking