Unreflective in a sentence as an adjective

So this kind of art is aimed at normally unreflective people?

I'm a bit disappointed that such an unreflective post makes it to hacker news.

One thing to bear in mind is that "Go" isn't very easily googleable so that graph could well be unreflective of genuine interest.

There are a couple of comments in this vein already, but I still feel compelled to clamor against such an unreflective regurgitation of the word "success.

How the left became the torch-bearers for unreflective moral indignation and retributivism is beyond me.

You're allowed to have whatever opinion you like, but this opinion is ********. Your entire comment is ridiculously biased and unreflective of Zynga internally or externally.

We're always being told that young people suck: that they are illiterate and unreflective and un-thoughtful, all of which ignores the fact that every generation had that said about them by the older generation.

The approval ratings are an indictment that suffrage is not being universally observed, and that election results are unreflective of actual US demographics.

A lot of people are treating this like a genie wish, or an unreflective prize awarded to the first team to accomplish this by any means, or something...This is a request for startups with a particular feature.

I disagree with Sabine because I see her as painting an unfair picture of theorists, as if we were all completely unreflective and she was the only one in the world to think seriously about theory selection.

The findings suggest that rapid, unreflective trait inferences can contribute to voting choices, which are widely assumed to be based primarily on rational and deliberative considerations.

On the Austinian view, scepticial doubts tend to rely on intimations like this one: that sitting right in front of something and looking at it is somehow just like hearing about something and then building out some unreflective inferences.

If I'm engaged in a value-free enterprise, I have no reason to stop and wonder what devastation or havoc my creation might one day wreak, I'm doing it, after all, in the name of science, or progress, of unreflective pursuit of an end I can't forsee.

Cognitive strain, whatever its source, mobilizes System 2 [slow, conscious, laborious thinking], which is more likely to reject the intuitive answer suggested by System 1 [the immediate, unreflective thinking by which we make most of our minute-to-minute judgments].

Unreflective definitions


not exhibiting or characterized by careful thought

See also: unthinking unthoughtful