Unbent in a sentence as an adjective

I've unbent screen part with pliers, and fixed cracked hinge with superglue, soda and steel wires, and that was it.

You place it beside an unbent ruler, and the bent ruler often says "I'm straight; it's the other ruler that's bent".

Again, the fact that some groups have been violently unbent does not mean that groups can't unbend themselves.

It's hard to argue that any of those groups are truly "unbent" outside of very narrow, precarious and conditional contexts.

Perhaps we shouldn't be signaling that a person is evil, but it's damn well in unbent upon us all to trumpet the fact that their beliefs are evil.

But once the economy got unbent it'd start creating jobs that are more socially and economically useful, and the end result would be better.

It will show you the unbent flat form of the part, and allow for the metal thickness at the bends, but there may be no sequence of bending operations that works because the previously bent part gets in the way of the tools.

The best lay down desk for a vim based programmer is to have a good mattress and a split keyboard, one half of the keyboard on each side of your body with arms unbent down by your sides, and then monitors suspended above you facing down.

Unbent definitions


not bent; "looking for an unbent nail"; "trees with straight unbent trunks make the best lumber"


erect in posture; "sit straight"; "stood defiantly with unbowed back"

See also: straight unbowed