Bent in a sentence as a noun

The technique is to get a 6 foot long bar with a bent end.

Ever since G+, they just seem **** bent on becoming a social network.

But I won't cry for the passing of the big-box stores if they're bent on becoming the Wal-Mart of reading.

If someone with a classical bent asks for historical fiction and you take them to the romance section they will never come back.

They are very good at making it look like they are showing all sides, but they are in fact presenting things in away that supports their ideological bent.

There were mistakes made on both sides, but in the end I bent over backwards to accomodate them and as soon as YC was over and they could say they were YC founders they bailed.

Bent in a sentence as an adjective

Maybe now you morons who continue to vote in the pieces of **** into our government who are bent on taking more and more power for themselves will wake up and figure it out?

Your government is ****-bent on turning the internet into a read-only device like TV, easily regulated and controlled.

I don't understand why the Apple ecosystem seems **** bent on refusing to take advantage of the digital age. Creating a one-size fits all top 10 list, or editorial list, is a fine strategy for a brick and mortar store where they have to show everyone the same thing at the front of their store.

Maybe it's a good thing that Google and others are finally straight-up bent on filtering nerds like me out of their customer base, maybe that's the kick needed to overcome inertia and complacency.

Wedge the point of the bent end between the tread and rail, so the "elbow" is resting an inch or two behind the wheel and the bar is up at a 45 degree angle, so forming a lever with a lot of mechanical advantage.

Bent definitions


a relatively permanent inclination to react in a particular way; "the set of his mind was obvious"


grass for pastures and lawns especially bowling and putting greens

See also: bent-grass


an area of grassland unbounded by fences or hedges


a special way of doing something; "he had a bent for it"; "he had a special knack for getting into trouble"; "he couldn't get the hang of it"

See also: knack hang


fixed in your purpose; "bent on going to the theater"; "dead set against intervening"; "out to win every event"


used of the back and knees; stooped; "on bended knee"; "with bent (or bended) back"

See also: bended


of metal e.g.; "bent nails"; "a car with a crumpled front end"; "dented fenders"

See also: crumpled dented