Unbowed in a sentence as an adjective

Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Some were friendly; willing to chatter, unbowed by what the fates had given them.

Its staff will fight on, unbowed and unafraid, with the courage to which you have become accustomed.

Her comments on the reasons for dropping the suit may indicate that she realized this quite late in the game.... while bruised she is unbowed and has chosen to beat a strategic retreat rather than engage KP in a losing battle.

The article is dishonest or uninformed, it is doing shady things like comparing boxed primitives in Java to unboxed primitives in Go, when Go has boxing and Java has unbowed primitives as well, what!

It would have been perfectly possible to direct some or all of that apparatus at an unbowed **** regime in mid to late 1945 through 1946 and visit utter devastation on Germany until it was incapable of fighting any war.

Unbowed definitions


erect in posture; "sit straight"; "stood defiantly with unbowed back"

See also: straight unbent


not forced to bow down to a conqueror