Tightness in a sentence as a noun

So it could be just the physical design/weight/tightness of the frame.

You need to show that your test is not 'trivial', and for that consider the classic S. Ulam result on 'tightness'.

The tightness of the layout probably stems from low resolution screens.

He also has a classic result in measure theory that the French probabilist Le Cam called 'tightness'.

But before, foam rolling is much much better for making you flexible without losing force and tightness.

The graphics look a little childish, but that belies the tightness with which everything handles.

15 years ago, I was firmly in the 'write it from scratch and focus on performance, tightness, elegance, etc' camp, but not so much today.

It's difficult to describe if you haven't felt it, but it's sort of like... tightness maybe as if your body is buzzing or something.

No one's really asking for air-tightness, just low enough complexity that we don't have to have full-time professionals to make sense of it.

And can use a classic result in measure theory by S. Ulam, that the French probabilist LeCam nicely called 'tightness', to show that the hypothesis test is not 'trivial'.

The tightness of the feedback loop changes everything, just like everything else that gets computerized.

After suffering a couple of years with on/off head pain I finally figured this out & it literally took a couple of sessions to work the tightness out.

Air-tightness is measured in air changes/hour, which measures how many time per hour the internal air of a structure is completely replaced my external air.

Residential efficiency is all about retaining as much heat as possible in winter through air tightness, winter solar gain through windows and insulation.

The article is mostly right that you should stick with light stretching and exercises on a daily basis, but for tightness and imbalances that need to be actively corrected, stretching is the way to go.

Heat gain/loss through the roof and other opaque parts of the building shouldn't be an issue because insulation is cheap and about 200mm of modern insulation is all you need before air tightness and AC efficiency become the major factors for energy loss.

I have chronic IT band tightness on one side that pulls on something in my knee and gives me pain around the patellar tendon, but it goes away when I foam roll the side of my leg.- Do lots of warmup reps with bodyweight and/or just the bar.- Don't stop at parallel.

It does, however, describe that in less than 1% of the population, sensitive individuals may experience "transient" side effects such as "headache, numbness/tingling, flushing, muscle tightness, and generalised weakness" to a large amount of MSG taken in a single meal.

Because the paper suggested\nmonitoring large server farms and networks\nfor 'health and wellness' by this technique.\nSo, we would get multidimensional, distribution-free\n'behavioral monitoring' with false alarm rate\nwe could set in advance and get exactly.\nThe work does not promise to have the best\npower in the sense of the Neyman-Pearson\nresult, but the paper uses Ulam's 'tightness'\nto argue that the test is not 'trivial'.\nI have yet to see a distribution-free\ntest that tries to argue it is as powerful\nas Neyman-Pearson!While we don't get Neyman-Pearson, we\nget an approximation to the smallest\nregion where we will make a type II error\nand, thus, in a sense for any alternative\ndistribution for point m the most power\nin the goofy sense of shifting that \nalternative distribution around!

Tightness definitions


a state occasioned by scarcity of money and a shortage of credit

See also: stringency


a tight feeling in some part of the body; "he felt a constriction in her chest"; "she felt an alarming tightness in her chest"; "emotion caused a constriction of his throat"

See also: constriction


the spatial property of being crowded together

See also: concentration density denseness compactness


lack of movement or room for movement

See also: tautness