Constriction in a sentence as a noun

The fluid flow through a constriction lowers the pressure at the constriction point.

What this team did discover is a type of receptor in these cells that can trigger this constriction.

"This as well is not true. The researchers looked at airway smooth muscle cells, but it was already known that these cells are responsible for the constriction seen in asthma.

*********, yep, been there, heart constriction, crucifixion level pain, feeling like I was dying.

But I'm disgusted at the increasing constriction back towards an entrenched status quo -- or the attempts at same.

When your arteries inflame, your body packs it with oxidized LDL which can lead to heart problems and strokes due to constriction in your arteries.

You and others have noted that cold causes constriction of blood vessels, so if that were the driving fact during surgery, cold would be beneficial.

A term like "calorie constriction" masks the complicated nutrition processes behind this.

I suspect this policy would lead to a Keynesian recession in karma due to a constriction in the circulation of points.

"In what way does a constriction of convention relate to readability or maintainability?

My inflammation occurs in the ileum so I rarely, if ever, have diarrhea but I do have severe, piercing abdominal pain from scar tissue and constriction.

An inlet at the low pressure point will allow addition fluid at atmospheric pressure to enter through the inlet in the constriction thus adding to the total fluid through the outlet.

Designers immediately realised that this rule could be exploited by simply having a 90cm² protuberance hanging below the main nose, minimising the constriction of airflow.

Every reason that is true will apply to the guild, in addition to the usual ugly prejudice, artificial supply constriction, and self-destructive conservatism that all real guilds, associations, and unions display.

Constriction definitions


a narrowing that reduces the flow through a channel

See also: bottleneck chokepoint


tight or narrow compression

See also: coarctation


a tight feeling in some part of the body; "he felt a constriction in her chest"; "she felt an alarming tightness in her chest"; "emotion caused a constriction of his throat"

See also: tightness


the action or process of compressing