Denseness in a sentence as a noun

Forgive my denseness, but I'm honestly/genuinely not sure what you mean by your comment.

So forgive my denseness here, but that can still be broken down into two separate protocols, right?

Forgive my denseness, but is "being larded with B players" a reference to employees?

Forgive my denseness, but I can see why it would make sense for a defconst or even a defvar to be evaluated at compile time, but why a function?

The "humor" is based on pointing out the denseness of programming instruction in audio format, as if to say, "This is so hard, who would be stupid enough to think that this is a good idea?!?

You can version manually or automatically in the optimizing compiler inner loops of those builtins depending on the denseness / representation of the array backing store.

Apologies for my denseness, but how could buggy Bluetooth bring everything down?I vaguely recall something about a faulty hospital device with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi being posted here a little while ago, but I'm not certain.

If given a control panel in a foreign language with three symbols from left to right and then shown a series of graphics representing sparse/denseness I would certainly see identifying the three options as low, middle, high rather than low, unknown, high.

Denseness definitions


the quality of being mentally slow and limited

See also: dumbness slow-wittedness


the spatial property of being crowded together

See also: concentration density tightness compactness


the amount per unit size

See also: density